Weekend Nachos - "Torture EP" (Tooth Decay, 2006)
http://www.mediafire.com/?9pzt03txbtzHonestly, the best powerviolence record I have ever heard. I mean, I'm no expert, but I've heard my fair share of Infest, Spazz, Charles Bronson, and... Well, pretty much just Infest, Spazz, and Charles Bronson. Even though they reject the label, Weekend Nachos are definitely a powerviolence band, though they take the sludgy aspects of Infest to a much more extreme level. It's like Spazz fucking Grief. It's rare to be able to say this, so it feels weird to even type it, but these guys manage to be heavy as
fuck while still playing faster than most other hardcore bands I've heard. That's not to say that they don't slow down to the realm of bone crushing when they feel like it, but I'm still amazed, after dozens of listens, at how
heavy they are. You really need to hear it to truly understand what I'm attempting to describe. Fun fact: this blog's title comes from the last line in "Dimension X" off of this record.
Weekend Nachos - "Punish and Destroy" (2007, Cowabunga)http://www.mediafire.com/?5vfzmtmixwtThis is their first full-length. It's not quite as good as their EP, but it still punishes. The title track is an insane sludge/chiptune behemoth reminiscent of Infest's "My World...My Way" from
No Man's Slave.

Masonna - "Noskl in Ana" (1994, Alchemy)
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=I0ILTDPTWholesome harsh noise. I feel like I'm coming home when I listen to this. Not quite as good as the only other record I have of his,
Open Your Cunt, but it's been growing on me over the past week. I'm fascinated with analogue noise, especially when it's this harsh.
Shellac - "Terraform" (1998, Touch & Go)
This is the enigmatic one. This is the one with the 12 minutes songs.
The Martinis - "Smitten" (2004, Cooking Vinyl)
http://www.mediafire.com/?dhyxymy21zbThis is Joey Santiago of Pixies fame making some sweet pop music with his wife, Linda Mallari, Rachel Haden from that dog., and Josh Freese from A Perfect Circle. I dare anyone to listen to "Big Three Wheeler" and not want to dance along. Anyone.
Anyway, sorry about the short post. I've been pretty busy this weekend with work and sleep so I'm tired as hell and I just want to sleep. This was supposed to have some more Shellac and some Kevin Blechdom, but I'll post those tomorrow along with the other stuff I'm going to pretend I have planned.